
Revision as of 17:57, 1 February 2017 by Rico (talk | contribs)

Metabomatching is a procedure to identify compounds from spectral features that jointly associate with genotypes.


  • The simplest method to run metabomatching is to use the metabomatching docker image. With a working docker installation (get docker), run
    docker pull metabomatching/metabomatching-pre
    to download the metabomatching container. The download may take some time, as the container includes a full Linux OS, octave to run metabomatching, and inkscape to convert metabomatching figures from SVG to PDF. To run metabomatching on the included sample pseudospectrum, run
    docker run -i -v <absolute/path/to/my/directory>:/mm-ps metabomatching/metabomatching-pre
    which will run metabomatching, and write results to <absolute/path/to/my/directory>. Note that on Windows, the absolute path must be formatted without using a colon, so to use the directory C:\MyDir, the path must be formatted as //c/MyDir,
  • To run metabomatching on your own pseudospectra, please refer to the documentation (PDF).


The procedure was in applied in

Questions, Comments

contact metabomatching(at)unil(dot)ch