Department of Ecology & Evolution,
Biology Building, UNIL, CH-1015 LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Tel :+41(0)21 692 4160 (sec) ; Fax:+41(0)21 692 4265 |
HIERFSTAT is a package for R allowing to estimate F-statistics and variance components with the methods of moments for any number of levels in a hierarchy. The package also allows to test the significance of population differentiation using the likelihood ratio G-statistic or the variance components. A short note describing the package is available here. The correct citation for this package is: Goudet, J. (2005) Hierfstat, a package for R to compute and test hierarchical
F-statistics. Molecular Ecology Notes. 5: 184-186 [pdf].
Latest version available at github
. To install it, you first need to have R installed on your computer, You can install it from CRAN or the lastest version from github. Then you just have to load the library, and read the documentation. Happy computing.