Alexandre Hirzel's publications

  1. Hirzel, A.H. & Le Lay, G. (2008) Habitat suitability modelling and niche theory. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(5), 1372-81. PDF (441 Kb)

  2. Braunisch, V., Bollmann, K., Graf, R.F. & Hirzel, A.H. (2008) Living on the edge - Modelling habitat suitability for species at the edge of their fundamental niche. Ecological Modelling, 214(2-4), 153-67. PDF (1.02 Mb)

  3. Guelat, J., Jaquiery, J., Berset-Brandli, L., Pellegrini, E., Moresi, R., Broquet, T., Hirzel, A.H. & Perrin, N. (2008) Mass effects mediate coexistence in competing shrews. Ecology, 89(7), 2033-42.

  4. Jaquiery, J., Guelat, J., Broquet, T., Berset-Brandli, L., Pellegrini, E., Moresi, R., Hirzel, A.H. & Perrin, N. (2008) Habitat-Quality Effects on Metapopulation Dynamics in Greater White-Toothed Shrews, Crocidura Russula. Ecology, 89(10), 2777-85.

  5. Niculita H. and Hirzel A.H. (2008). Visualizing the gene order conservation among genomes with ChromoMapper. J. of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics (in press)      

  6. Hirzel A. H., Nisbet R. M., Murdoch W. W. (2007). Host-parasitoid spatial dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes. Oikos 116(12), 2082-2096. PDF (474 Kb)     
  7. Dormann, C. F., J.M. McPherson,  M.B. Araújo, R. Bivand, J. Bolliger, G. Carl, R.G. Davies, A. Hirzel, W. Jetz, W.D. Kissling, I. Kühn, R. Ohlemüller, P.R. Peres-Neto, B. Reineking, B. Schröder, F.M. Schurr and R. Wilson (2007). Methods to account for spatial autocorrelation in the analysis of species distributional data: a review. Ecography 30(5):609-628. PDF (716 Kb)     
  8. Sattler T., F. Bontadina, A.H. Hirzel, and R. Arlettaz (2007). Ecological niche modelling of two cryptic bat species calls for a reassessment of their conservation status. Journal of Applied Ecology 44(6):1188-1199. PDF (334 Kb)      
  9. Titeux N., M. Dufrêne, J. Radoux, A.H. Hirzel, and P. Defourny (2007): Fitness-related parameters improve niche-based distribution modelling: the case of the Red-backed Shrike. Biological Conservation 138:207-223. (PDF 1.13 Mb)     
  10. Hirzel A. H., G. Le Lay, V. Helfer, C. Randin, and A. Guisan (2006). Evaluating the ability of habitat suitability models to predict species presences. Ecological Modelling 199, 142-152. PDF (969 Kb)     
  11. Arditi R., Michalski J., and Hirzel A.H. (2005). Rheagogies: Modelling non-trophic effects in food webs. Ecological Complexity 2, 249-258. PDF (272 Kb)      
  12. Hirzel A.H., Posse B., Oggier P-A, Crettenand Y., Glenz C., and Arlettaz R. (2004). “Ecological requirements of reintroduced bearded vultures Gypaetus barbatus colonizing the Alps”. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41, 1103-1116. PDF (233 Kb)      
  13. Brotons L., Thuiller W., Araujo M.B., and Hirzel A.H. (2004) Presence-absence versus presence-only modelling methods for predicting bird habitat suitability. Ecography, 27, 437-448. PDF (1.05 Mb)      
  14. Hirzel A.H. and Arlettaz R. (2003). “Modelling habitat suitability for complex species distributions by the environmental-distance geometric mean”. Environmental Management, 32, 614-623. PDF (1.09 Mb)      
  15. Reutter B.A., Helfer V., Hirzel A.H. And Vogel P. (2003): “Modelling habitat-suitability on the base of museum collections: an example with three sympatric Apodemus species from the Alps”, Journal of Biogeography, 30, 581-590. PDF (263 Kb)   
  16. Hirzel A.H. and Guisan A. (2002). “Which is the optimal sampling strategy for habitat suitability modelling?”. Ecological Modelling, 157, 331-341. PDF (178 Kb)     
  17. Hirzel A.H., Hausser J., Chessel D., and Perrin N. (2002): “Ecological-niche factor analysis: How to compute habitat- suitability maps without absence data?”. Ecology, 83, 2027-2036 PDF (1.01 Mb)     
  18. Hirzel A.H., Helfer V. and Metral F. (2001): “Assessing habitat-suitability models with a virtual species ”. Ecological Modelling, 145, 111-121. PDF (322 Kb)    
Book chapters
  1. Hirzel A.H. and Arlettaz R. (2003). “Environmental-envelope based habitat-suitability models”, in Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Resource Selection by Animals (ed Manly, B.J.C.). Laramie, USA, 2003.      
  2. Hirzel A.H. and Perrin N. (1998): “Modelling the dynamics and management of Ibex populations in Switzerland”. Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Mountain Ungulates. PDF (82 Kb)    
Computer programs

Biomapper 1.0-4.0

Hirzel (2000-2008)

GIS-oriented statistical package designed to model the ecological niche of a species by means of several methods and draw habitat suitability maps, on the basis of environmental variables and species occurrences. (written in Borland Delphi 6.


Niculita & Hirzel (2007)

Visualisation and comparison of gene positions across several chromosomes. (written in Borland Delphi 6)



Hirzel (2006-2008)

Random landscape generator with spatial and temporal autocorrelation (written in Borland Delphi 6).


Frictionnator 1.0-1.4

Hirzel, Fontanillas & Braunisch (2000-2008)

Analysis of genetic distance matrices or radio-tracking data in conjunction with environmental, spatial data so as to compute the effect of various landscape features of the dispersal of species (written in Borland Delphi 6 and R).


Büchi & Hirzel (2005-2008)

Simulation program aimed at linking community ecology, niche theory and landscape ecology (written in Borland Delphi 6).


Hirzel, Jacquiéry and Broquet (2003-2008)

Software package aimed at linking spatial ecology and population genetics. It comprises several modules, including an individual-based model and a matrix-based model (written in Borland Delphi 6).

SIM-Ibex 1.0-1.1

Hirzel (1997-1999)

Population dynamics and management decision-support tool (written in Borland Delphi 4), distributed to Swiss government and fauna managers.

HexaSpace 1.0

Hirzel (2000-2001)

Landscape-explicit metapopulation dynamics model based on a cellular automaton approach (written in Borland Delphi 4).

HexaSpace 2.0

Hirzel (2002-2003)

Landscape-explicit predator-prey dynamics model based on a coupled-map lattice model (written in Borland Delphi 6).


Hirzel (1996)

Food webs assembly simulations, including four trophic + one recycling levels (written in Fortran 90).

Various simulators

Hirzel (1985-2005)


Physic-realistic simulations of sailing ships, gulls and space ships. Random landscape generators including effects of erosion by sea, rain and biotic entities. Use of 3D algorithms and d’OpenGL. (written in C++, QuickBasic and Borland Delphi,

  1. Hirzel A.H. (2006) : “Les profondeurs de Chillon”. In “Si une Suisse fantastique m’était contée”, ed. Zoé. Pp 77-91.

  2. Hirzel A. 2000. Terra Australis Incognita. in Revue Archipel 18, 61-86. Revue Archipel

  3. Hirzel A. 1997. La faille. in Revue Archipel 13, 51-69. Revue Archipel
  4. Hirzel A. 1996. Chillon. in Revue Archipel 11, 77-105. Revue Archipel

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