Under-expression is coded with green,
over-expression with red color.
neuron migration
The characteristic movement of an immature neuron from germinal zones to specific positions where they will reside as they mature.
cellular component movement
The directed, self-propelled movement of a cellular component without the involvement of an external agent such as a transporter or a pore.
multicellular organismal development
The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a multicellular organism over time from an initial condition (e.g. a zygote or a young adult) to a later condition (e.g. a multicellular animal or an aged adult).
anatomical structure morphogenesis
The process by which anatomical structures are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form.
nervous system development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of nervous tissue over time, from its formation to its mature state.
central nervous system development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the central nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord.
Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
cellular process
Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level.
cell migration
The orderly movement of a cell from one site to another, often during the development of a multicellular organism or multicellular structure.
spinal cord development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the spinal cord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The spinal cord primarily conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses between the brain and the peripheral nervous tissues.
cell differentiation in spinal cord
The process whereby relatively unspecialized cells acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize the cells of the spinal cord. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate.
dorsal spinal cord development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the dorsal region of the spinal cord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The dorsal region of the mature spinal cord contains neurons that process and relay sensory input.
spinal cord association neuron differentiation
The process whereby neuroepithelial cells in the neural tube acquire specialized structural and/or functional features of association neurons. Association neurons are cells located in the dorsal portion of the spinal cord that integrate sensory input. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate.
central nervous system neuron differentiation
The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron whose cell body resides in the central nervous system.
Generation of cells within the nervous system.
cell differentiation
The process whereby relatively unspecialized cells, e.g. embryonic or regenerative cells, acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize the cells, tissues, or organs of the mature organism or some other relatively stable phase of the organism's life history. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate and its subsequent development to the mature state.
neuron differentiation
The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron.
multicellular organismal process
Any biological process, occurring at the level of a multicellular organism, pertinent to its function.
developmental process
A biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an integrated living unit: an anatomical structure (which may be a subcellular structure, cell, tissue, or organ), or organism over time from an initial condition to a later condition.
Self-propelled movement of a cell or organism from one location to another.
generation of neurons
The process by which nerve cells are generated. This includes the production of neuroblasts and their differentiation into neurons.
system development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an organismal system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of organs or tissues that work together to carry out a given biological process.
anatomical structure development
The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an anatomical structure from an initial condition to its mature state. This process begins with the formation of the structure and ends with the mature structure, whatever form that may be including its natural destruction. An anatomical structure is any biological entity that occupies space and is distinguished from its surroundings. Anatomical structures can be macroscopic such as a carpel, or microscopic such as an acrosome.
cellular developmental process
A biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a cell over time from an initial condition to a later condition.
cell motility
Any process involved in the controlled self-propelled movement of a cell that results in translocation of the cell from one place to another.
Any process by which a cell, a substance, or a cellular entity, such as a protein complex or organelle, is transported to, and/or maintained in a specific location.
localization of cell
Any process by which a cell is transported to, and/or maintained in, a specific location.
multicellular organismal development
The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a multicellular organism over time from an initial condition (e.g. a zygote or a young adult) to a later condition (e.g. a multicellular animal or an aged adult).
cellular developmental process
A biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a cell over time from an initial condition to a later condition.
cell motility
Any process involved in the controlled self-propelled movement of a cell that results in translocation of the cell from one place to another.
anatomical structure morphogenesis
The process by which anatomical structures are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form.
system development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an organismal system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of organs or tissues that work together to carry out a given biological process.
cell motility
Any process involved in the controlled self-propelled movement of a cell that results in translocation of the cell from one place to another.
cell differentiation in spinal cord
The process whereby relatively unspecialized cells acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize the cells of the spinal cord. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate.
dorsal spinal cord development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the dorsal region of the spinal cord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The dorsal region of the mature spinal cord contains neurons that process and relay sensory input.
spinal cord association neuron differentiation
The process whereby neuroepithelial cells in the neural tube acquire specialized structural and/or functional features of association neurons. Association neurons are cells located in the dorsal portion of the spinal cord that integrate sensory input. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate.
central nervous system development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the central nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord.
Generation of cells within the nervous system.
spinal cord development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the spinal cord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The spinal cord primarily conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses between the brain and the peripheral nervous tissues.
central nervous system neuron differentiation
The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron whose cell body resides in the central nervous system.
neuron migration
The characteristic movement of an immature neuron from germinal zones to specific positions where they will reside as they mature.
neuron differentiation
The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron.
spinal cord association neuron differentiation
The process whereby neuroepithelial cells in the neural tube acquire specialized structural and/or functional features of association neurons. Association neurons are cells located in the dorsal portion of the spinal cord that integrate sensory input. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate.
The part of a cell or its extracellular environment in which a gene product is located. A gene product may be located in one or more parts of a cell and its location may be as specific as a particular macromolecular complex, that is, a stable, persistent association of macromolecules that function together.
The junction between a nerve fiber of one neuron and another neuron or muscle fiber or glial cell; the site of interneuronal communication. As the nerve fiber approaches the synapse it enlarges into a specialized structure, the presynaptic nerve ending, which contains mitochondria and synaptic vesicles. At the tip of the nerve ending is the presynaptic membrane; facing it, and separated from it by a minute cleft (the synaptic cleft) is a specialized area of membrane on the receiving cell, known as the postsynaptic membrane. In response to the arrival of nerve impulses, the presynaptic nerve ending secretes molecules of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These diffuse across the cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane.
Elemental activities, such as catalysis or binding, describing the actions of a gene product at the molecular level. A given gene product may exhibit one or more molecular functions.
nucleic acid binding
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any nucleic acid.
DNA binding
Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
The selective, non-covalent, often stoichiometric, interaction of a molecule with one or more specific sites on another molecule.
sequence-specific DNA binding
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with DNA of a specific nucleotide composition, e.g. GC-rich DNA binding, or with a specific sequence motif or type of DNA e.g. promotor binding or rDNA binding.
ANKLE1ankyrin repeat and LEM domain containing 1 (ENSG00000160117), score: 0.79 BARHL1BarH-like homeobox 1 (ENSG00000125492), score: 0.84 BARHL2BarH-like homeobox 2 (ENSG00000143032), score: 0.88 CBLN1cerebellin 1 precursor (ENSG00000102924), score: 0.77 CBLN3cerebellin 3 precursor (ENSG00000139899), score: 0.77 CDH15cadherin 15, type 1, M-cadherin (myotubule) (ENSG00000129910), score: 0.87 CHRNA3cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 3 (ENSG00000080644), score: 0.78 COL13A1collagen, type XIII, alpha 1 (ENSG00000197467), score: 0.86 CPLX4complexin 4 (ENSG00000166569), score: 0.78 CRTAMcytotoxic and regulatory T cell molecule (ENSG00000109943), score: 0.91 EN2engrailed homeobox 2 (ENSG00000164778), score: 0.84 EXPH5exophilin 5 (ENSG00000110723), score: 0.77 FAT2FAT tumor suppressor homolog 2 (Drosophila) (ENSG00000086570), score: 0.85 FGF3fibroblast growth factor 3 (ENSG00000186895), score: 0.78 FGF5fibroblast growth factor 5 (ENSG00000138675), score: 0.78 GRID2IPglutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2 (Grid2) interacting protein (ENSG00000215045), score: 0.83 GRM4glutamate receptor, metabotropic 4 (ENSG00000124493), score: 0.78 LBX1ladybird homeobox 1 (ENSG00000138136), score: 0.78 LOC146429putative solute carrier family 22 member ENSG00000182157 (ENSG00000182157), score: 0.88 MAB21L1mab-21-like 1 (C. elegans) (ENSG00000180660), score: 0.86 MDGA1MAM domain containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor 1 (ENSG00000112139), score: 0.81 NHLH2nescient helix loop helix 2 (ENSG00000177551), score: 0.86 NKX6-3NK6 homeobox 3 (ENSG00000165066), score: 0.84 ODZ1odz, odd Oz/ten-m homolog 1(Drosophila) (ENSG00000009694), score: 0.79 PKIBprotein kinase (cAMP-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor beta (ENSG00000135549), score: 0.84 PYDC1PYD (pyrin domain) containing 1 (ENSG00000169900), score: 0.79 RCAN3RCAN family member 3 (ENSG00000117602), score: 0.83 SLC35F4solute carrier family 35, member F4 (ENSG00000151812), score: 0.82 SPINK6serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 6 (ENSG00000178172), score: 0.85 TGM1transglutaminase 1 (K polypeptide epidermal type I, protein-glutamine-gamma-glutamyltransferase) (ENSG00000092295), score: 0.77 TLL1tolloid-like 1 (ENSG00000038295), score: 0.82 TMC2transmembrane channel-like 2 (ENSG00000149488), score: 0.93 TP73tumor protein p73 (ENSG00000078900), score: 0.81 TRIM67tripartite motif-containing 67 (ENSG00000119283), score: 0.82 VSX1visual system homeobox 1 (ENSG00000100987), score: 1 XKR7XK, Kell blood group complex subunit-related family, member 7 (ENSG00000101321), score: 0.77 ZIC4Zic family member 4 (ENSG00000174963), score: 0.84 ZIC5Zic family member 5 (odd-paired homolog, Drosophila) (ENSG00000139800), score: 0.77
Id | species | tissue | sex | individual |
ptr_cb_f_ca1 | ptr | cb | f | _ |
ppa_cb_f_ca1 | ppa | cb | f | _ |
ggo_cb_f_ca1 | ggo | cb | f | _ |
ppa_cb_m_ca1 | ppa | cb | m | _ |
ptr_cb_m_ca1 | ptr | cb | m | _ |
hsa_cb_f_ca1 | hsa | cb | f | _ |
hsa_cb_m_ca1 | hsa | cb | m | _ |