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* Coordinator: [[Sven Bergmann]]
* [[Course idea and teaching goals of Case studies in Bioinformatics]]
* [[Schedule for Case studies in Bioinformatics 2018]]
* Modules
** [[Module 1: Is the hourglass model for gene expression really supported by the data?]]
** [[Module 2: Metabolome-wide genome-wide association study|Module 2: How to link genotypes to metabolites?]]
** [[How well does sequence similarity predict similarity in binding specificity?|Module 3: How well does sequence similarity predict similarity in binding specificity?]]
** [[Module 4: How do "our expectations" confound the results of our analyses?]]
* Teachers
** [[User:Sven|Sven Bergmann]]
** [[User:DavidGfeller|David Gfeller]]
** [[User: GiovanniCiriello|Giovanni Ciriello]]
* Course grades are based on reports (for one assigned module):
** 1 point for handing in a report
** up to 1 point for the Introduction (one page)
** up to 3 points for the Results section (3 pages)
** up to 1 point for the Discussion (one page)
** points are given based on:
***completeness: is each section covered sufficiently?
***correctness: is what you write correct?
***comprehension: does your text show you really understood the module?
* [[How to upload files and edit your project page]]

Revision as of 15:18, 13 July 2018