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Miklos Farkas, Dynamical Models in Biology, Chapter 3, Academic Press, 2001
Miklos Farkas, Dynamical Models in Biology, Chapter 3, Academic Press, 2001

Revision as of 18:21, 9 March 2009

Background Epidemics (like the recent Avian Flu) are still an important threat to humans and animals. It is therefore important to understand their dynamics in order to try to control them. Mathematical tools can be very useful for this.

Goal: The goal of the project is to understand and analyze (with computer simulations) simple models of epidemic spread.

Mathematical tools: This project uses differential equations (or dynamical systems). A short introduction to differential equations will be provided. A mathematical software for performing simulations (matlab) will also be used.

Biological or Medical aspects: It will be discussed how those models can be used for determining public health policies (like vaccination) and what are their limitations

Supervisor: Micha Hersch

Students: Bruno Pais and Didier Lanquetin


Miklos Farkas, Dynamical Models in Biology, Chapter 3, Academic Press, 2001