Aitana Morton de Lachapelle

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Aitana Morton de Lachapelle
I have studied physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne and graduated in 2006. I then joined the computational biology group of Sven Bergmann early 2007 to start my PhD. I have been working on patterning in Drosophila embryo ([paper] ) and wing imaginal disc, with a focus on how robustness and scaling in particular are achieved during development.

Contact Details

  • Address: Rue de Bugnon 27 - PME 113 - CH-1005 Lausanne
  • Phone: +41-21-692-5378
  • e-mail: aitana.mortondelachapelle"at"



  1. deLachapelle2010 pmid=20212523
  2. deLachapelle2010b de Lachapelle AM and Bergmann S. "Pre-steady and stable morphogen gradients: can they coexist?" Molecular Systems Biology. 2010 November 16; 6:428. doi: 10.1038/msb.2010.86.
  3. Luscher2010 Lüscher A*, Csárdi G*, Morton de Lachapelle A*, Kutalik Z*, Peter B and Bergmann S. ExpressionView – an interactive viewer for modules identified in gene expression data. Bioinformatics. 2010 Aug 15;26(16):2062-3 pmid: 20671149 PubMed HubMed PDF
