Sven Bergmann

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Sven Bergmann, PI
Sven Bergmann heads the Computational Biology Group in the Department of Medical Genetics at the University of Lausanne. He joined the Faculty of Biology and Medicine in 2005 as Assistant Professor and became Associate Professor in 2010 after successfully completing his tenure track. He is also affiliated with the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics since 2005.

Sven studied theoretical particle physics with Prof. Yosef Nir at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) where he received his PhD in 2001 for studies of neutrino ascillations and CP violation. He then joined the laboratory of Prof. Naama Barkai in the Department of Molecular Genetics at the same institute, where he first worked as a Koshland postdoctoral fellow and later as staff scientist.

His work in the field of computational biology includes designing and applying novel algorithms for the analysis of large-scale biological and medical data, as well as modeling of genetic networks pertaining to the development of the Drosophila embryo and the response of plants to environmental changes.

Sven is currently on Sabbatical leave at the Babraham Insitute in the group of Dr. Nicolas Le Novère.

  • Permanent Address: Rue du Bugnon 27 - DGM 023 - CH-1005 Lausanne - Switzerland
  • Phone at work: +41-21-692-5452
  • Cell phone: +41-78-663-4980
  • e-mail:
  • Address during Sabbatical: Babraham Institute, Cambridge, CB22 3AT, United Kingdom
  • Phone at work: +44-1223-49-6308
  • Cell phone: +44-7901-27-8292

PS: Do you know how to get smoothly from A to B? Well, you just need to minimize a functional expression, see this [paper] for details!