Final report meeting

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Revision as of 13:19, 14 May 2009 by Sven (talk | contribs)
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On Friday, 29 May 2009 at 12:00 we have our "final report" meeting in room POL/210 in the Amphipôle.

The goals of this meeting are:

   * to present your project
   * to discuss your results 
   * to give feedback on this course

Each group will have at most 25’ to present their project and 5’ to answer questions. Presentation should include:

1. Title of your project, your names, the name(s) of supervisor(s) and (optionally) one image that characterizes the project and/or photos of yourselves!

2. Goal(s) of your project: No more than 3 items!

3. Background: Why is this project relevant/interesting?

4. Methodology: At least one slide on algorithms, equations, etc. that you are using

5. Results: What are your main findings?

6. Perspective: What would you have done next (if you had more time)?

Points 1-4 should be somewhat shorter (~10') than for the Intermediate report meeting, and the focus should be on the last two items! I would like each student to present some aspect of the results. The evaluation will be based on your presentations. I also want to encourage you again to document your project on this WIKI.

Send your presentation by e-mail to me and upload them to the wiki!

(back to main page of Course: "Solving Biological Problems that require Math")