User: Zoltan

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Zoltán Kutalik, Post-doc
Zoltán is trained as applied mathematician (specialized in statistics) and graduated in 2002 at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Obtained his MPhil degree in 2003 at the University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology, UK, where he was supervised by Olaf Wolkenhauer in a project to develop new statistical tools for comparative genomics using microarray data. Zoltán obtained his PhD at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK (School of Computing Sciences) where his research aimed at modelling and connecting bacterial growth at the population-, single cell- and genetic levels. The research was done in close collaboration with József Baranyi’s Computational Microbiology Lab at the Insitute of Food Research. In parallel, he was involved in a research project with Vincent Moulton on reverse engineering techniques of ODE systems used for modelling small-scale biochemical pathways. Since 2006 Zoltán is a postdoctoral research assistant at the Department of Medical Genetics (University of Lausanne) and affiliated with the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland. His main interest lies in developping statistical methods that connect large scale data sets (SNPs, gene expression, clinical phenotypes). In 2009 he spent three months as a visiting scientist at the Evolutionary Systems Biology Group, BRC researching into the genetic- and biochemical determinants of drug-drug interactions. Recently, Zoltán has been working on Genome-wide Association Studies, including various cardiovascular phenotypes (CoLaus); diseases: Hepatitis C (SCCS), narcolepsy, hypertension (Hypergenes); taste sensitivity (Nestlé) to identify novel underlying genetic factors.
  • Address: Rue de Bugnon 27 - DGM 109 - CH-1005 Lausanne - Switzerland
  • Phone at work: ++41-21-692-5463
  • e-mail: zoltan[dot]kutalik[at]unil[dot]ch