UNIL MSc course: Data Analysis I 2020
- Coordinator: Sven Bergmann
- Lecturers: Sven Bergmann & [Giovanni Cirello|marion https://www.unil.ch/dbc/en/home/menuinst/research-groups/giovanni-ciriello.html]
- Assistants: [Marion Paxtot|https://wp.unil.ch/ctgg/people/]
- Schedule:
- Lecture 1 "Probability theory" (Sven): September 18, 8:15-10:00 (Auditoire C, Genopode)
- Exercises 1 "Probability theory" (Marion & Daniel): September 18, 10:15-12:00 (Auditoire C, Genopode)
- Lecture 2 "Basic statistics" (Sven): September 25: 8:15-10:00 (Auditoire C, Genopode)
- Exercises 2 "Basic statistics" (Marion & Daniel): September 18, 10:15-12:00 (Auditoire C, Genopode)
- Lecture 3 "Multiple/nonlinear regression" (Giovanni): October 2: 8:15-10:00 (Zoom)
- Exercises 3 "Multiple/nonlinear regression" (TBA): October 2: 10:15-12:00 (Zoom)
- Material: The lesson will roughly follow the course notes available at: [1]