I am post-doc at CBG. I am involved in the Plant Growth project from I mainly try to model quantitatively the gene regulatory network of the shade avoidance mechanism in the model plant Arabidopsis Thaliana.
My scientific interests include dynamical systems theory, self-organization, statistical learning theory. For additional information, you can consult my web page.
I did my ph.D at the lasa (EPFL), where I worked on bio-inspired motor control and artificial cognition for humanoid robots. See my former web page for more details on this.
email: micha.hersch at phone: 021 692 53 78 building: Bugnon 27 room: cme 033
How to reach my office
Take the M2 metro and get off at CHUV. Then follow the dots on the picture. You will then be standing in front of my office window. Make big signs and I'll see you and open the door.