Pedro Marques-Vidal
Chef de Clinique Adjoint
Institut Universitaire de Médecine Sociale et Préventive
17, rue du Bugnon
1005 Lausanne
Phone: +41 21 314 72 65
Fax: +41 21 314 73 73
Goal: The goal of the project is to perform a genome-wide association study that will potentially identify SNPs that are related to cardiovascular risk and compare the results between genders
Mathematical tools: The tool of choice for this project is logistic regression analysis. The student will learn the basics of regressing a given phenotype to a genotype and how this analysis is implemented on a computer to handle a large number of SNPs.
Silander K, Alanne M, Kristiansson K, Saarela O, Ripatti S, et al. (2008) Gender Differences in Genetic Risk Profiles for Cardiovascular Disease. PLoS ONE 3(10): e3615. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003615