
The ICVS data is available for further analysis. Please recognise the principal researchers of the project by citing the relevant key publications link
The codebook (Van Kesteren, 2007) for the 1989-2005 datafile can be downloaded here.

The codebook (Van Kesteren, 2015) for the 2005-2014/15 datafile can also be downloaded here.

Also available for download are the SPSS syntax that have been used for the last two reports with key findings (Van Kesteren, Mayhew, Nieuwbeerta, 2000) (Van Dijk, Van Kesteren, Smit, 2008). You may need to do some editing if you work with more recent versions of SPSS. Using these files will get you the same figures as published in the key reports. We assume however that you put some effort into studying how the syntax works and which identification variables to use (year of the surveys, country, type of survey, national of city data).
Information from the 2015  Kyrgyzstan survey can be accessed here.

Datafile from the ICVS caribbean survey (2014/15) can be downloaded here.

Datafile for the 2010 version of ICVS can be downoladed from here.

Datafile from 1989 to 2005 are integrated in one main datafile. This means that the variable names and the coding for respons categories have been manipulated to fit a single codebook. This codebook documents the identification variables we used for countries, year of the survey (or ‘sweep of surveys’) type of survey (national or main city only), questionnaire and methodology used (CATI or Face to Face interviewing). It is worth while to study the appendices of the key reports on the computation and use of weighting variables.The datafile can be downloaded from here, search for ICVS. This is the data archive of the Dutch Research Council (KNAW).