I studied theoretical physics at EPFL and I obtained my diploma in 2003. Then, I continued at EPFL (Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures) with a PhD in theoretical and numerical physics (2003-2007). During my PhD I was working on quantum mechanics and I developed a formalism allowing to study symmetry effects in semiconductor nanostuctures (pdf thesis here).
I'm currently working at the University of Lausanne as a Post Doc in the Computational Biology Group (CBG). My main domain of expertise is the modeling of biological diffusive processes (morphogen gradient formation, tissues patterning, …). I therefore develop rigorous analytical tools allowing to study theoretically gradient formation related problems. Furthermore, I have strong interactions with the experimentalists and within these collaborations I'm on charge of the data quantification and analytical/numerical modeling.
- Address: Rue du Bugnon 27 - DGM 116 - CH-1005 Lausanne
- Phone: +41 21 692 54 01
- e-mail: sascha.dalessi"at"