Welcome info
First steps
Once you arrive at the CBG/DGM, here is the list of things you should do first
- Building keys and hardware lockers
Ask Suzanne to get your keys to access the building and your office. Once you have setup your desktop, ask for some cables to lock your hardware.
- UNIL account
You will find here some useful informations concerning your personnal access to the UNIL IT
Open the pdf, fill it out, get it signed by your supervisor and send it to the Centre Informatique.
You will receive by post your username & password to will allow you ti use all the services and ressources at UNIL.
- CHUV card (for the canteen)
Get your inscription form from Suzanne. Bring the form with your picture to the 1st floor of Les Allières building (MP20-Media:CHUV.png)
- Campus card (student card)
Fill in the following form Student Campus Card form and sent it back to the service des immatriculations at UNIL.
SIB affiliation
- As a member of the CBG, you are member of the SIB (http://www.isb-sib.ch/). You can get the inscription form from Suzanne.
Special foreigners arriving in Switzerland
- Medical care insurances
It's mandatory to have one. You can compare them through a site like comparis.ch, and look at swisscare that has a special rate for foreign researchers (http://www.swisscare-intl.com)
- Swiss residence permit
You will have to request it from the office of your town of residence.
IT access
- Printer
Connect to OKI MC560dn (located in Suzanne's office). Look for the latest drivers on the web.
- Access to the servers
Rico can create you an account on the calculation servers
- Registration to the DGM mailing list
email carlo.rivolta@unil.ch and ask him to add you to the DGM mailing list
- Softwares available
Some softwares are under individual licence for which you will need to fill a form
- For PCs: http://www.unil.ch/ci/page33723.html
- For Macs: Connect to the following server afp://bigmac.unil.ch
- UNIL Internal Portal
General info
- Coffees
You can get nespresso capsules from Suzanne for CHF 5/box
- Supplies
all kinds of pens, notebooks.... in Suzanne's office
- Clothes locker
You can get your own locker for clothes (those green lockers in the corridor)
- Water duty
Mineral water is provided by the CHUV. Once a year it will be your duty to deliver it, check the calendar.
- google calendar
we share a google calendar where all kind of infos are written (vacations, conference, lab meeting...)
- DGM meetings/CBG meetings/journal clubs
DGM meeting occurs every wednesday at 12:15, Spengler room
Internal lab meetings are thursdays , 9:30 room 105
Journal clubs are on a less regular base... check calendar
- opportunity to buy a laptop