Module 2: Metabolome-wide genome-wide association study
- Title: "Metabolome-wide genome-wide association study or how to link genotypes to metabolites"
- Paper to be examined: “Genome-Wide Association Study of Metabolic Traits Reveals Novel Gene-Metabolite-Disease Links”, PLoS Genet10(2): e1004132. [1]
- Key claim of the paper: "Genetic variants that correlate with any of the measured metabolome features in a large set of individuals generate a signature that facilitates the identification of the metabolite whose concentration is most likely affected by these variants."
- Slides for introduction to GWAS and metabomatching: File:GWASandMetabomatching.pptx
- Data: will be distributed by the tutors
- Code and answers:
- Contents:
- General introduction to the paper/motivation
- Write code to import the data and inspect them
- Run regression analyses between SNP and metabolite features. Plot significance profiles.
- Matbomatching (sing the PhenoMenal portal: [2]
- Wrap-up & evaluation
- Key bioinformatics concept of this module: "Molecular traits as substrate for GWAS. Data in- and export. Regression. Multiple hypotheses testing."