UNIL BSc course: Bioinformatics for Genomics 2022
- Course aims:
- Get to know some of the the bioinformatics methods necessary for genomic analysis
- Use these methods on simple real cases
- Develop an understanding of potential pitfalls and the impact of bioinformatics choices in genomic results
- Prerequisites:
- Notions of genomics (gene, genome, transcriptome)
- Basic statistics (what is a test, a p-value)
- Basic literacy in R and/or Python.
- Teacher: Sven Bergmann
- Schedule
- 31 March 2022, 08:00-9:15: Lecture 1: "RNA-seq & DE" (Sven)
- 31 March 2022, 9:30-10:30: Tutorial 1: "RNA-seq & DE" (Anneke)
- 31 March 2022, 10:45-12:00: Lecture 2: "Clustering" (Sven)
- 4 April 2022, 14:00-15:00: Tutorial 2: "Clustering" (Alex)
- 4 April 2022, 15:15-16:45: Lecture 3: "More seq-data" (Sven)
- 4 April 2022, 17:00-18:00: Tutorial 3: "More seq-data" (Daniel)
- 5 April 2022, 8:00-9:30: Lecture 4: "Biological Networks" (Sven)
- 5 April 2022, 10:00-11:30: Tutorial 4: "Biological Networks" (Daniel)
- 6 April 2022, 08:00-10:30: Lecture 5: "Advanced clustering" (Sven)
- 6 April 2022, 11:00-12:00: Final Session: "Wrap-up & feedback" (all)
- 14 April 2022, 14:00-18:00: Flipped classroom: Bioinformatics exercises (Sven, Anneke, Alex, Sofia, Michael)
We will hand out simple bioinformatics exercises based on the tutorials. Students should work on these exercise until April 14 on which day we will do a 4h "Flipped classroom" where they can discuss these exercise with tutors.
- Lecture presentations:
- Exercise material:
- "RNA-seq & DE": File:Exercise1.zip
- "Clustering": File:Exercise2.zip File:Documents from tutorial class.zip
- "Biclustering": File:Exercise3.zip
- "More seq-data": File:Exercise4.zip
- "Networks": File:Exercise5.zip
- Recordings from previous year:
- available on Moodle at: https://moodle.unil.ch/course/view.php?id=19549