UNIL PhD course: "Biology for non-biologists 2018"
- Coordinator: Sven Bergmann
- Course idea and teaching goals of Biology for non-biologists:
- Teach basic concepts of biology to students with no or little background in biology
- The goal is excite the students by giving them some glimpses of biological fundamentals
- Teaching is very informal giving enough time for discussion and questions.
- Schedule for Biology for non-biologists 2018
- Modules
- Module 1: Basic building blocks of life: From molecules to cells | slides
- Module 2: Central dogma: Understanding the mechanisms and machinery for DNA replication, transcription and translation
- Module 3: Development: How cells organise themselves in space and time
- Module 4: Evolution: Reproduction strategies, selection, population genetics
- Reading Material
- Bruce Alberts at al. « Molecular Biology of the Cell », (4th edition) ISBN-10: 0-8153-3218-1
- Richard Dawkins , « The Blind Watchmaker », ISBN: 0-393-31570-3
- Teachers
- Sven Bergmann: Module 1
- Maria Cristina Gambetta: Module 2
- Aitana Lebrand: Module 3
- Micha Hersch: Module 4