UNIL BSc course: Bioinformatics Projects 2025
- Coordinator: Sven Bergmann
- Concept: This course is part of the Bsc3 Module 6 "Modelling in Biology and Bioinformatics". Similar to our optional UNIL BSc course: Solving Biological Problems that require Math 2025:
- students work in small groups on individual project supervised by a tutor
- the idea is to "learn by doing" in the context of a real bioinformatics challenge
- besides getting Hans-on experience students will also practise presenting their results
- Useful tools
- Dates and Deadlines
- First joint meeting (introducing the available projects): Monday, April 28, 16:15 (GEN/A)
- First meeting with tutor (May 1, 14:15 or by arrangement)
- First block of practical work: May 6, 7, 13
- Intermediate meeting (reporting first results): Wednesday, May 14, 10:15 (BIO/Amphi)
- Second block of practical work: May 20, 21, 26, 27
- Final meeting (students present project outcomes): Wednesday, May 28, 9:00 (BIO/Amphi)
- Projects & Supervisors
- see this [1]
Projects wiki
Create a page for your project by editing this page and typing "project name" and a new page is automatically created