Gouvernance et archives audiovisuelles

EUScreenBlog, le blog de la revue VIEW consacrée à l’histoire de la télévision européenne, a publié en mai dernier un article intitulé « How the Right Governance Can Strengthen Audiovisual Broadcast Archives« .

Il s’agit d’un entretien avec Katharine Sarikakis, spécialiste de la gouvernance des médias et des communications à l’Université de Vienne. La chercheuse présente le projet de recherche The Governance of Cultural Memory Through Audiovisual Broadcast Archives, qu’elle supervise.



EuScreenBlog: Public Service Media (PSM) surely play a big role as they are the main providers of European content. What are key challenges these institutions face?

KS: PSM’s have three major challenges to face: the constant attempt or temptation for interference by the state; the repeated pressure by the private sector to withdraw from popular programming; and often themselves, the sense of entitlement and sometimes sense of naval gazing as organisational cultures. In the digital era, they are the best equipped to provide know how, foster new talents and lead the way towards multiple expressions of democracy by supporting accurate and quality news programmes, daring cultural programmes and taking risks. For that, they have already a huge asset, their own archives which in most countries constitute the main source or one of the few major sources of archives.

Lire l’article.