Héritage culturel intangible: comment l’archiver?

Les 6 et 7 août 2018, le Laboratory for Experimental Museology de l’EPFL (eM+) organise une série de discussions et de présentations autour du thème « Archiving Intangible Cultural Heritage & Performing Arts: A Symposium and Summer School for Living Traditions« .

Archiving Kung Fu © S. Kenderdine / 2018 EPFL


« Stimulated by a growing worldwide interest in Intangible Cultural Heritage (e.g. rituals and festivals) and performance studies, the event brings together world leaders in the research, documentation, preservation and public engagement with Intangible Cultural Heritage through digital means. It intends to stimulate interest and advance discussion through more than a twenty seminal speakers, all leaders in the field of performing arts and Intangible Cultural Heritage. »

Le programme.

S’inscrire – jusqu’au 15 juillet.