Conférence de John Ellis: « How Television Used to be Made », 31.10, 17h15

Dans le cadre du cours  Dispositifs audiovisuels, industries de l’imaginaire et professionnels de l’écran, nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir Professor John Ellis de la Royal Holloway University of London pour une conférence intitulée How Television Used to be Made

Mardi 31 octobre – 17h15-18h45 – salle 4021

Conférence organisée par les Sections d’histoire et de cinéma

Ouvert à toutes et à tous


In these days of instant filming available to everyone, it is easy to forget just how difficult it used to be to record moving image and sound, whether using film or videotape. The innovative ADAPT research project (funded by the European Research Council) has filmed a series of ‘simulations’ which reunite retired TV equipment with the professionals who used to use it, and ask them to film again as they used to. The project aims to cover major areas of both film and video production and post-production as practiced in the UK. These simulations vividly demonstrate the sheer difficulties they faced, and show that the decision to film was both weighty and constrained. It also reveals the details of how crews organised themselves and worked together within the institutional culture of the big broadcasters. ADAPT has developed a living archaeology of analogue television, and in doing so has pioneered a new research method with wider applicability.