Université d’été sur l’histoire transnationale de la radio

Le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C² DH) organisera, du 18 au 22 juin 2018, une université d’été consacrée à l’histoire transnationale de la radio au XXe siècle.

Extrait de la présentation:

« The Summer School focuses on the history of transnational radio in the 20th century, more specifically on the material, technical, and architectural histories of radio as a symbolic media of transnational communication in Europe and beyond. Following recent trends in media historiography, the Summer School aims at problematizing and reflecting on radio as one of the most important technologies of transborder and transnational communication, emphasizing its role as cultural mediator and political actor in the modern media landscape. »

Lire l’intégralité de l’appel à communications.