Call for Papers: Decoding Europe. Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

Le centre d’histoire contemporaine et digitale de l’Université du Luxembourg (C²DH) organise, du 27 au 29 juin 2019, la 9ème conférence Tensions of Europe. La conférence « Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age » étudiera la manière dont notre approche du passé technologique européen est influencée, façonnée et peut même être transformée à l’ère numérique et, inversement, comment le présent et l’avenir numériques de l’Europe s’inscrivent dans des évolutions à long terme.

Les propositions sont à envoyer avant le 15 novembre. Consulter toutes les informations ici.

Extrait de l’appel à communications:

« In the current narrative, digitisation is a process profoundly shaped by US visions. This conference also aims to rediscover European influences in this process, alternative EU visions, etc. Although Europe will be at the centre of most of the analyses, proposals that compare global, national, regional and/or local approaches and combine several scales and trajectories to shed light on technological pasts in the digital age are also welcome.

Along with the impact of digitisation on historical archives, resources and practices, we also invite presentations exploring the writing and shaping of European history in a critical, experimental and interdisciplinary way: retro-digitised and born-digital heritage, new tools and digital practices of European historiography, digital narratives and teaching methods in the field of European history.

Our aim is to encourage a process of cross-fertilisation by including contributions from a wide variety of historical disciplines as well as from archivists and fields such as geography, digital humanities, science and technology studies, Internet studies, media studies, information and communication sciences, and infrastructure, platform and code studies. »